During the stay-at-home period, Soladis launches its training program through videoconference

Soladis has always been committed to offer innovative solutions adapted to its clients’ and partners’ activities and their development.

During this omplicated Covid19 period, several of you have shared with us a slowdown in activity due to projects being put on stand-by, and we have thought of a way to support you during this period.

Hence, in order to enrich this early spring, which can suffer from downtime, we have imagined for you the deployment of training courses that can be carried out remotely.

Inspired by our training modules, which are usually conducted in 1 to 2-day sessions, we have subdivided the programs into 2 to 3 hours mini-training sessions accessible by videoconference to groups of 2 to 5 participants.

The only technical constraints: an internet connection and a computer with a microphone (and webcam for a better interaction!).

Thanks to those videoconference tools that do not require a computer installation, we deliver distance training via one of our usual trainers.

The idea is open and we can think together about short and precise programs that suit you needs and constraints.

For example, here are two courses that could be proposed:

Inspired by the our training program “MSG1: Using Excel to enhance my data”

  • Session 1 (2h): Formatting a data table (good practices, cell formats, performing simple calculations, performing conditions (if, or, and))
  • Session 2 (2h): Facilitating data entry in a data table (drop-down lists, conditional formatting, screen reorganization, …)
  • Session 3 (3h): Summarizing information (pivot tables, graphical representations)

Inspired by “MSI2: Defining a Justified Sample Size”

  • Session 1 (3h): Defining a sample size for a statistical indicator (mean, standard deviation, proportion, correlation, capability…)
  • Session 2 (3h): Defining a sample size in a comparison study (comparison of 2 populations, ANOVA…)

Our ECDM program : clinical evaluation of medical devices (for European MDR)

  • Session 1 (3,5h) : Impact of new regulation on clinical evaluation and investigation (context, CEP, CER, MEDDEV, …)
  • Session 2 (3,5h) : Impact of new regulation on post marketing clinical follow-up (SCAC, PSUR, …)

A Lean Management training…

  • Session 1 (2h) : Customer’s voice : identifying and specifying a need and a request
  • Session 2 (2h) : Non-value hunting : defining value and identifying non-added value part of a project
  • Session 3 (2h) : Acceptation : ensuring the continuity of improvement

…and AGILE methods

  • Session 1 (2h) : Bringing down the golden triangle : understand agile methods (workload/ deadline / value)
  • Session 2 (2h) : Fluidifying a project : SCRUM method

We can also offer you coaching session with a dedicated trainer, who can support you on a targeted issue.

Any idea? Equivalence tests, benchmarking tests, regressions (ANOVA, logistics…)… is there a subject in which you want your teams to improve their skills on ?

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us at: contact@soladis.fr.

The dates of the sessions will be determined on the basis of each person’s interests and dispositions.

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Soladis - France (siège)
6-8 rue Bellecombe
Tél: +33(0)

Soladis GmbH - Suisse
Lange Gasse 15
CH-4052 Basel
Phone: +41(0)

Soladis Inc. - USA
185 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Unit 210
Cambridge, MA 02138-1100
Phone: +1(857).675.1189

Soladis Canada
545 King Street West, Suite 309,
Phone: (+1)437.970.6462



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