Soladis Institute is the certified Soladis training center, listed on Datadock.

Our trainers, who are also statistics, biostatistics and data science consultants, teach you about data analysis methodologies and illustrate their courses with examples taken from their everyday work for our clients.

We offer “awareness-raising” approaches to help your teams understand statistical concepts, and more in-depth training approaches that enable you to use specific analysis techniques autonomously.

Available as company-specific or inter-company sessions, our training programs are organized around several major themes:

  • General statistical methods
  • Clinical statistical methods
  • Industrial statistical methods
  • Big data methods
  • Data exploitation software.

For company-specific sessions, the content, examples, exercises and software used in these programs can be adapted to your challenges and real-life situations.

Our training sessions are only delivered in french.

To find out more, go to the website dedicated to our training programs (only in french), Soladis institute:

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Soladis - France (HQ)
6-8 rue Bellecombe
Tél: +33(0)

Soladis GmbH - Switzerland
Lange Gasse 15
CH-4052 Basel
Phone: +41(0)

Soladis Inc. - USA
185 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Unit 210
Cambridge, MA 02138-1100
Phone: (+1)857.675.1189

Soladis Canada
545 King Street West, Suite 309,
Phone: (+1)437.970.6462


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