When productivity, quality, safety, and other manufacturing KPIs need to be controlled, SPC and Industry 4.0 are the keys.
Are you studying your manufacturing efficiency? Estimating sample size for quality control? Defining a SPC (Statistical Process Control) approach to monitor and control your manufacturing process? Validating your measure/method? Assessing the impact of production parameters on your final product?
We provide industrial statistics services to laboratories & manufacturing actors to setup projects and analyze data according to researchers’ objectives, at each stage of your project, in order to…
1/ Design the optimal study
A project always starts with a step of methodological thinking and study design: to define the right sample size to collect data regarding product quality ensures the relevance of results; to set-up an experimental design reduces the number of experiences to be performed while securing enough information for statistical analysis and modelling.
2 / Process and analyze data
Once data is collected on the field, statistical analysis can be performed to answer study questions, whether they are aiming at testing hypothesis (capability analysis…), exploring effects (impact analysis…), or controlling processes (control chart).
3 / Deliver straightforward information or solution
Industrial statistics can result in various deliverables displaying the information: statistical reports answering specific or exploratory questions, digital tools such as custom dashboards for SPC, or even full Industry 4.0 processes (…) (see more about this topic in our IoT dedicated section)
Design of experiment, DoE, sample, sampling, batch, manufacturing, industrialization, SPC, statistical process control, quality control, control chart, robustness, repeatability, reproducibility, R&r, linearity, chemometrics, method validation, capability…
Soladis Inc. - USA
185 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Unit 210
Cambridge, MA 02138-1100
Phone: (+1)857.675.1189